Optimizing Photoshop Tutorials
Start off by searching the tutorial websites for your tutorial name or trick you are going to use, to see if your idea has already been published. If there wasn't any tutorial listed for your trick then it's your turn to teach your technique to the world. Try your trick first before going to next step. Look at the different approaches to your result, note all the easy steps and write them down somewhere. Find the shortcuts for your steps, because most professionals prefer shortcuts rather then going menu to menu. If you provide shortcuts, then also provide both PC & MAC shortcuts. If you are not sure about some shortcuts, then look at Adobe Help.
Start of by picking your favorite tricks which are useful for beginners and professionals, easy to accomplish, and are something unique that you never seen in other tutorial websites, it's always great to share your knowledge with other folks. They will appreciate your hard work and effort you have put on your tutorials.
Your next important step is to create a thumbnail for your tutorial as you try your tutorial. Tutorial Thumbnails appear with your tutorial, They show what your tutorial is about "One picture is worth 1000 words". and also most of the users are drawn into tutorials psychically with nice looking professional thumbnails, so you should work hard on creating your thumbnail and selecting the best result of your tutorial for your thumbnail, do not use plain text or pictures for your thumbnails, without effects, it makes your tutorial kinds useless. Make sure you resize your thumbnails to 40-45 Pixels Height & Width, JPEG, GIF Format or they would not be accepted. It's always a good idea to export your thumbnails to both Gif and Jpeg formats, because of different submission policies in different Tutorial websites.
Your next step is to write a short description for your tutorial. Your description should tell the users a little about your tutorial, include information about what technique you are going to use, how it is going to be useful to your visitors and if there are specific requirements for your tutorial, like: version, plug-in, etc. Keep your description short but explain your steps in one or two sentences.
Start of by picking your favorite tricks which are useful for beginners and professionals, easy to accomplish, and are something unique that you never seen in other tutorial websites, it's always great to share your knowledge with other folks. They will appreciate your hard work and effort you have put on your tutorials.
Your next important step is to create a thumbnail for your tutorial as you try your tutorial. Tutorial Thumbnails appear with your tutorial, They show what your tutorial is about "One picture is worth 1000 words". and also most of the users are drawn into tutorials psychically with nice looking professional thumbnails, so you should work hard on creating your thumbnail and selecting the best result of your tutorial for your thumbnail, do not use plain text or pictures for your thumbnails, without effects, it makes your tutorial kinds useless. Make sure you resize your thumbnails to 40-45 Pixels Height & Width, JPEG, GIF Format or they would not be accepted. It's always a good idea to export your thumbnails to both Gif and Jpeg formats, because of different submission policies in different Tutorial websites.
Your next step is to write a short description for your tutorial. Your description should tell the users a little about your tutorial, include information about what technique you are going to use, how it is going to be useful to your visitors and if there are specific requirements for your tutorial, like: version, plug-in, etc. Keep your description short but explain your steps in one or two sentences.
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